
I Don't Fall for Food or Fitness Myths

Food and fitness myths have grown to an excessive number and causing extreme confusion in the health and fitness arena.  I am a firm believer of debunking all food and fitness myths and their false promises to deliver the perfect body in 10 days or less.  I can really get on a soap box about this subject and sometimes do.  Today seems fitting to fling a little soap around and clean up the "myth mess" created by untrue marketing in the fitness world.

Understand that most of America wants to get fit fast and companies are not dumb in knowing how to market that dream at top dollar.  Store shelves and online sites are crammed with millions of  miracle fitness makers and responding to those are the same amount of consumers.  Add that figure up and you have a several billion dollar industry all focused around you getting fit with a bottle of wonder.  Every time you step up to purchase some blend promising fat to melt off your body, create six-pack abs, build bulging muscles, or drop 7 sizes, please stop and realize those guarantees are myths.  There is nothing in that bottle or bag that is going to provide a fit body.  Supplements and herbal blends are not FDA regulated and promoters can put anything on their bottles to sell the product, and that is exactly what they do.  I do not walk the talk of teaching or selling gimmicks to achieve fitness which is the reason you will never see any endorsements for them on my Blog.  Take a close look at the small writing on most unregulated fitness supplements and you will see "should be combined with a healthy eating and exercise program for results."

Stop right there!  Guess what, if you just starting eating right and exercising you would see results without buying an expensive bottle of "quick fix" hype.   Most all our nutrients can be obtained through eating a wide variety of healthy foods.   Some foods can naturally boost metabolism getting rid of the need for any unhealthy stimulant fat burners.  Getting fit and staying healthy takes a lifestyle that can't be purchased at the store.  You are the secret to your success!  Myths are for fiction story books and fairy tales.


It would be nice to be able to snap our fingers and make our bodies the way we want them, but that is not life or reality.  It is time to face the truth of what it takes to achieve health and a fit body and get off the "gimmick-go-round" taking you in circles and going no-where.  Getting fit will take a commitment to eating right, consistent exercise, lots of water, and plenty of rest.  Living this lifestyle will provide the results you are looking for and you are the one who can guarantee that by your daily choices.  That sounds like a much better investment of time and money.

Take a look at my latest article on the about.com network and titled, "Eat Clean Food Myths Debunked."  for a few of the latest trends debunked through research.
Eat Clean Food Myths ... READ THE ARTICLE
Stay Healthy Fitness Tip: 
Believing food and fitness myths cause setbacks to reaching your fitness goals.

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Be well and Stay Healthy!
Darla Leal, Fit Over 50

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I Don't Fall for Food or Fitness Myths
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