
Doing What I Can with what I Got is Good Enough

When it comes to fitness and especially my workouts, I make them my own.  If you have read my "About Me" section,  you are aware of my medical issues requiring modification to certain exercises.  I do what I can with what I got and it is good enough.  I can recall feeling defeated after my injuries and especially during neuro-rehab when I could not even lift my head off an exercise ball. Tears of pain and frustration would flood over those appointments, and almost to the point of giving up.  I would pray every night for things to be different and wake up the same.  Ughhh ... what an ugly place to be, but there I was years ago.  I became so determined to fight, and I did.

Fast forward to now and I am in a much better place physically, mentally and spiritually. Going though tough times builds a tough inner and outer shell. The point of life is not to understand everything that happens to us, but handling it the best we can when "hard" knocks on the door.   Giving up would be easy and so would being angry but what good does that serve ... nothing.  Acceptance of me and what I can do became the focus.  Becoming my best at what I could do to maintain the body I worked so hard for took some creative program planning, but I am all about trial and error and finding what works.

I am in tune and listen to what my body is telling me and there is a difference between a "feel good" sore and this does not feel right sore.  If anything twinges in the "not right" direction, I put on the brakes and immediately modify and do something else.  I do not believe in pushing past something that will hurt my body and land me flat on my back or worse.  I appreciate the gift of what I can do and will not "fudge" this up.  Do I miss certain things ... yes, and I get so excited watching others perform what I used to do and want to jump in and do it with them.  That is just my inner athlete still alive and well, but my outer athlete will dictate what I can do now.  Exercise is about being smart and creating a quality life.  So many do not realize how good they are supposed to feel and accommodate pain day after day.  I am determined to increase my lean mass while decreasing or eliminating pain.  I know what it feels like to be in severe pain and how hard I have worked to achieve being pain free.

My fitness journey is not about doing what others can do, but doing the best at what I can do.  It is about acceptance of my body and the thoughts surrounding it that belong to me.  I believe in adopting a healthy lifestyle to create a quality life which is one of my motto's I teach daily.  It is about doing what I can with what I got and that is good enough.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and head on over to the about network and read my latest article "Holding Water? Herbal Diuretics Can Help."  We all struggle with feeling bloated and puffy from water retention.  The worst part is not being able to fit in our clothes, right?
Reduce Water Bloat with Herbs ... READ THE ARTICLE

Stay Healthy Fitness Tip:  IT'S GOOD ENOUGH
Strive to be your best you each day and do what you can with what you got!

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Doing What I Can with what I Got is Good Enough
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