
More is Not Better for My Fitness Life

When it comes to fitness, I am not a believer of the "more is better" philosophy. Sometimes doing more exercise, juicing more, supplementing more, and eating more protein for example can come back to bite you in the butt.  When will people realize getting fit and maintaining a healthy body is a simple process and does not require all the "more" believed to be better?  Focused hour workouts that include a variety of cardio, weight training, and flexibility at least 4-times per week are sufficient.  Throwing in active rest days and having fun are also part of the exercise week and by all means should be enjoyed.  Nutrition is about eating a healthy and wide variety of all the macronutrients: lean proteins, good carbs, and fats.  Food is our fuel, but our body only requires a certain amount and over-consumption of one can actually have adverse health effects, just as eliminating healthy foods can cause nutrient deficiencies.

If I was conducting a consult with a potential new client who currently spent hours per day in the gym to get lean and buffed, my question would be why? This is a perfect example of the "more is better" thinking when it comes to workouts and no wonder burn-out is happening.  Over-use of joints and even muscle breakdown can occur when the body is over-trained.  Over-training syndrome is actually a thing and breaks down our immunities, prevents muscle growth, and puts unwanted stress on our body.  Also, a cycle of exercise addiction may also be at play for those who are caught up in guilt for eating a certain way and psychologically beating themselves up in the gym.

   Food is our medicine and fuel.  The "more is better" mindset rears it's ugly head here as well with people over-juicing to the point of death and permanent kidney damage.  This is no joke and if you have not read my current article on "Juicing Can Be Deadly", take a few minutes for a jaw-dropping read.  Eating healthy is important and essential for a healthy body but when it is taken to extreme is when problems can happen.  Eating too much protein can have negative health effects and put our body into ketosis which means the body does not have sufficient access to its main fuel source, glucose. This can also swing the other direction where too much food is eliminated from daily intake leading to illness due to nutrients the body is lacking.  Take a look at my article on "Orthorexia" and learn about clean eating gone wrong.  DIY fitness diets can pose a problem because of the "more is better" being applied in so many wrong directions and beautiful bodies end up over-supplemented and under-nourished. I put together a recent article on "Self-Made Fitness Diets Can Come with Health Risks" and advisable to check out to ensure you are eating right for your fitness goals.

What it comes down to is being healthy but smart about it and stop believing all the "more is better" crap.  I enjoy down to basics, fun and simple workouts maintaining my body without over-working it to the point of burn-out or injury.  I do not fall for exercise gimmicks or workouts fads and I feel the same way about nutrition myths.  If it is too good to be true...guess what? I am a creature of habit so many days I will enjoy similar meals but they include all the macronutrients and I enjoy my treats on occasion.  I am not a girl sitting around eating boiled fish and broccoli all day.  This simply is not living or being realistic.  Sometimes I believe "less is more" and probably live that more true than the other way around, but overall I believe "balance is more" and definitely hold firm to that daily.  

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More is Not Better for My Fitness Life
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