

I am all about celebrating, having fun, and ringing in the New Year with a smooch and cheers with my hubby, but the whole making New Year’s resolutions thing I just do not understand.  Mainly due to seeing so many people not follow through after a few weeks, or even days.  It sounds like all fireworks, and excitement in the beginning, but the flame usually dies down as old habits, lifestyles, and the “norm” way of treating ourselves and allowing ourselves to be treated nestles back into the day to day. Further, why wait for New Year’s to make a positive decision to change our life and become healthier people?  Today is New Years in my book and I like that saying “never put off to tomorrow what can be accomplished today”.  It is time to stop using the New Year’s holiday as a crutch to continue living unhealthy lives, to pack in as much unhealthy crap food as possible, and not go to the gym or start a home exercise program until that so called “magical perfect time”. 

The reality is that no perfect time exists and life does not wait for our decisions.  It goes on whether we join in the positive decision making process or not.  The straight up truth is that while the procrastination of taking care of self continues, the body will eventually let you know through illness, poor blood test results, obesity, heart issues, diabetes, hypertension, increased stress and the list goes on. Wouldn’t it be great to go into the New Year with choices to adopt a healthy lifestyle already in place, and to feel great about celebrating all the fabulous things being done to become our best healthy self?

I am not trying to be a “Darla Downer” when it comes to the upcoming New Year.  I am trying to get you to wrap your head around the reason for waiting to become a healthy person.  I say let’s celebrate and I would be the first to raise my glass and applaud all the efforts being made to adopt that healthy lifestyle, but that does not have to wait until January 1st.  I also understand that Christmas and New Year bring food, family and fun, and much is not on the usual healthy meal plan that would maintain a healthy physique.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little of this and that and I will be doing the same, but also will be including my regular healthy foods and exercise.  Let’s not use this holiday as an excuse to not take care of ourselves and promote a “hall pass” to a month of junk because when the so-called fun is all said and done, what will be left is discouragement and frustration knowing it will be that much longer and harder to undo what has been done. 

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Stay Healthy!

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