

All of us wish and want, but sadly not all of us follow through with the doing.  There seems to be something that stands in the way of completing what needs to be done to make the wish a reality.  It does not matter how much internet surfing, article reading, or people watching that takes place to check out fit bodies, if the inspiration isn’t motivating you to take action, it is nothing but wasted time.  In fact, all that time on the web could be time used to complete a workout or meal plan and prep.  I even have to catch myself and implement a certain amount of time for social media work so that I have the time to not only work with my physical clients, but also to do what it takes for me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  That means shutting down my computer and making the choice to exercise and prepare my healthy meals for the week. 

It is fun to wish and want, and I will be the first to applaud and be motivated by a fit physique because I know the effort it takes, and the “doing” on a daily basis that occurs to get there.  Wishing and wanting turns ugly when the “doing” is not taking place, but somehow feelings of resentment, bitterness and disgust are happening toward self and others even when no action to fix anything is occurring.   We are adults and make choices every day on what will take place, what mood we allow to invade our mental space, our outward behaviors toward self and others, and ultimately taking care of our bodies.  If the choice is to not “do”, then all the wishing and wanting are merely thoughts.  I am a “doer” and that is how I am able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I do not care if I only have twenty minutes to workout, if that is all I have then I will give it my all during that amount of time. I will never say “I only have twenty minutes and that is not enough time to workout” so I am going to skip today.  That would be the same as looking at the glass half empty instead of halfway full.  All steps taken to improve our health regardless of the time are positive progress. 

It is time to move past the wishing and wanting, and into the doing. It will be the action that makes the wants happen and feelings of accomplishment, increased confidence, and overall improved health are just some of the rewards from becoming a “doer”. Achieving the fit body we want and think about all the time takes responsibility, time, and effort on a consistent basis.  This is true for all things in life: our jobs, how far we go in education, our relationships, and spiritual life for example.  Sitting around thinking that things are just going to fall into our laps without effort is unrealistic, and sadly some people really do believe that life works this way, are unmotivated, and feel they are owed this and that. Life has never promised easy, and many times we make life much more difficult than it needs to be.  This is no reason however to fall into a wish and want pity party when the “doing” has not even been attempted. Time to “wake-up and smell the coffee” look in the mirror at the person not “doing” and ask … why?  The follow-through is what will bring success and the “doing” is what will create the fit body, and overall healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy a short video clip of my fun leg routine

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