

Why do we get so caught up in what is happening on the other side of the fence?  The grass is not greener and to believe it is requires a change in how we are viewing the scenery.  In addition to changing our glasses to take in this new view, our attention requires a full turnabout and eyeful of what is going on in our own yard and life.  He or she is not any better than me or you physically or materially and it is important to realize that to green up our own grass, we need to start taking care of it. 

I am zeroing in on comparison being the thief of joy because that is the darn truth.  We will always be at different levels of health, looks, and financial status and that is just how the world works.  The important thing is to make the best out of what we have, celebrate who we are at this moment, and work on becoming a better self than we were yesterday. I refuse to waste my time worrying about someone else’s grass and let the weeds infest mine.

I do not have the fanciest house, the most expensive car or clothes, the straightest teeth or legs for that matter, but that is all a part of where I am in life and I am happy with that.  I will never have the butt of a twenty something, a few wrinkles have appeared on my 50+ face, and I have hardware in my neck and again, I accept who I am and can only work on taking care of the body that walks this earth.  I am not saying that it is not OK to dream about wanting something because that can be a goal and is fun to think about.  What robs the very life out of a person is becoming jealous and bitter because “Sally Sue or Jimmy Joe” seems to have the best body, clothes, home, car, spouse, and the list can continue forever. 

When the “grass is greener” analogy gets in the way of seeing our life in a healthy way is when disenchantment and unhappiness develops.  Our constant gaze into someone else’s yard is keeping us from taking care of ourselves and becoming who we are meant to be physically and emotionally.  Also, the view is always skewed when looking at the outward appearance of another and what you see is not always what is truly lived. That is the irony of this whole thing because the physical view does not show unhappiness, debt, stress, depression, and all that flare may only be a mask to hide unhealthiness that is not seen.  Now, when a change in our glasses takes place and our focus is turned to taking care of our self physically and emotionally, many times it opens our eyes to the truth and we can finally see the weeds growing in the grass of that other yard.  The best part is our attention will be on tending to our own grass and greening up the areas in our life that will create healthier happier people.  

I dedicate this Blog to my dog Oscar Boy who went to heaven on Monday night. He was a precious part of our family for seventeen years.  I will miss you dearly my Lil Old Man, RIP and I can only imagine you are running free playing with your brother Mayer now. Forever loved ~
My final moments with Oscar, I miss you today

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Me and Oscar a few months ago
Stay Healthy!

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