

I like to make the most of my precious time and that means having a focused exercise program that fits into my schedule, and works best for my body.  I believe in quality not quantity, and using exercise movements that challenge me to change me, but do not hurt me.  It is not a fun place to be when exercise brings about injury and especially when that injury stops me from doing what I like to do.  I do not even like to feel a nagging pain that I know was caused from a certain move I should have avoided, but the push to want was greater than listening to what my body was telling me at the time. It is those types of constant and repetitive things that can bring about a chronic issue and I say no thank you to that. What it comes down to is training “smarter and not harder.”

I do not need to prove anything to anyone, and I do want to maintain a healthy body that not only looks good but feels good for the duration of my life. What that means is keeping my routine simple, smart, and effective to get the job done.  That is all that is required to keep my body healthy, happy, and feeling good overall.  Our bodies are fabulous machines that appreciate smart maintenance through movement and premium fuel for energy.  On the other side of that coin, a body that is in a constant state of extreme abuse will experience wear and tear, and eventual break down that does not feel good in the years to come. 

Smart training consists of challenging the anaerobic and aerobic systems, strength and endurance, stabilization and flexibility of our bodies. Simple programs can accomplish all of these goals and are necessary to create and maintain a healthy physique.  The challenge does not have to be gut wrenching, feel like death kind of stuff, but simply pushing our bodies above the physical limits of what is considered our “normal” status.  Standing would turn into brisk walking for 30 minutes for example, or WOGing (walk/jogging). Now combine that with body moves like squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and stretch program and a smartly balanced program has been achieved. 

When physical training is looked at simply and smarter, it does not feel so overwhelming.  When the “hard” is taken out of the equation, a whole different mental game can be applied and a more positive outlook of “I can do this” now enters the picture. The beauty about training smart is an easier time creating programs that best fit our bodies and provide the results that make us healthy people.  No competitions, except with being our best healthy self and better than the day before because we are experiencing the benefits of smart training. 

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