

Let's get down to the business of reasons and how they fit into our daily life and overall health and fitness.  Reasons are often used to avoid a workout or eat healthy meals and I think we can all agree on that. Can I go as far as to say they parallel excuses and guess what, we all can have them and often do. What amazes me is how often we think and want to be healthy, want the hot body, the glowing skin and quality life without pain, but come up with every reason in the book to not do what it takes to obtain the goals.  I say it is time to "reel in the reasons" and ask why they keep getting in the way of the thing we most want.  

On top of the reasons that pull us in the opposite direction of our goals is almost a rebellious attitude of "I can eat and do what I want" and still reach my goals.  A negative attitude, excuses, and rebel behavior is definitely not going to achieve a healthy body or mind for that matter. I like that saying that goes "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it" because it really zeros in on what it takes: EFFORT.  Effort becomes the driving physical force that puts the end to the reasons, and sets on fire the mindset of "I can and I will."

Why is the effort involved to live a healthy life considered a burden, and why are reasons used to avoid it.  This perplexes me as it takes effort to do most everything in this life: careers, ministries, events, vacations, chores, etc., and those things are performed without a hitch, but bring up the "health or fitness" word and one would think you were talking about scaling the largest mountain peak in the world or the plague. Life is too short to let the "reasons" get in the way of being our best self, and to believe that it is acceptable to convince ourselves otherwise is absolutely crazy. 

All the time spent coming up with reasons why not, we all could have done what should have been done already.   That is the honest truth about how time is so mismanaged and our bodies are suffering the consequences.  It is important to not give up what our minds are thinking about for ourselves and I am referring to health, fitness, and goals.  The reasons need to be reeled in, caught in the net, and tossed back as not large enough to get in the way.  

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 THE Herbal Face Food
STAY HEALTHY FITNESS HAPPENINGS: Check out THE Herbal Face Food and review all the fabulous benefits this organic facial serum provides.  I was excited to give it a try for 10 days and what I noticed was improved skin hydration and overall improved tone. I am 50 years young and will have my smile line wrinkles around my eyes, but have to say that those did diminish some, and also a deep wrinkle I had on the left side of my lower face greatly reduced and barely visible now. The horizontal wrinkles across my forehead also diminished in depth which was very exciting. The fragrance is strong and does take some getting used to as most herbal remedies, but I believe the benefits are greater than not using it because of the scent. I am sponsoring THE Herbal Face Food as a product that I can stand behind, gimmick free, and agrees with my philosophy of health and fitness. Take a look at my results below for my 10-day trial period and if you have any questions, hit me up in the comment section below:

Want to promote your business through low cost Ad Space or a fun Giveaway with Stay Healthy Fitness? Check out my pages for Ad Space or Host a Giveaway and I look forward to assisting you!

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