

Life is not meant to be easy-peasy and all wrapped in a pretty bow all the time.  The truth about life is that it can suck and be filled with very difficult emotional and even physical hardships.  I want to target the emotional junk in this blog that can weigh down our brains and bodies and cause us to retreat into a shell of self defeat.  When life hands us hard in the form of emotional upset stemming from relationship issues, problems with co-workers, or mistreatment from friends and even family just to name a few, it is important to not give up on you. Even the day-to-day emotional junk can feel overwhelming, and sometimes we can be our own worst enemy of creating needless emotional upset over something that was simply miscommunication. Emotional upset can hit us in the face every day and we can choose to handle it in a healthy or unhealthy way. What it comes down to is that we are responsible for our own mental health and happiness.

It seems the emotional crap that hurts the most is when it occurs in our very personal relationships with our spouses, significant others, dearest friends and family. That can be a very difficult thing as we struggle to maintain happy in a storm of anger, resentment, bitterness, and even vengeful feelings that can consume us to the point of not taking care of the skin we are living in.  Often times we walk around with unrealistic expectations of how things and life are supposed to be, or even how our spouses for example are supposed to act, and when things do not happen according to our own thought processes, the emotional upset begins to fester.  Before we know it, a full blown internal eruption of drama has taken over our being and created an unhealthy person that we ourselves find hard to recognize.  I understand it is difficult when we feel hurt, but it is also important to be able to recognize if the hurt is “real” or self-induced unrealistic expectations.  Further, in the midst of life sucking emotionally, it is still important to exercise anyway and not get lost in some victim pity party.  Studies have shown exercise to be one of the top contributors for stress reduction, decreased depression, and overall positive well-being. 

It would be wonderful if life had an “easy button” and all the things that created emotional yuck could be clicked away, but the closest thing we possess to make that happen is our response to what causes the upset.  We can choose to walk around with the “cold war” bitter attitude in our homes or get off our butts, choose to be positive and take out the feelings on a great workout.  We all have had our emotional buttons pushed in this life and it is truly about how we respond to the circumstance that makes us healthy or unhealthy. Having a healthy response to unhealthy situations takes learning and practice, but the reward is a healthier happier you and me. There is nothing worse than stewing inside and growing an emotional pimple until it bursts into ugliness when there are so many positive avenues to take care of the problem in a healthy way.  As I mentioned, a great workout, meditation, going for a walk, talking to God, or even looking into a counselor if necessary are all fabulous ways to deal with the emotional downs in life. 

Life can be looked at like a classroom and we are students learning through each experience, and hopefully gaining the ability through guidance and practice to respond to the lesson in a positive way.  There is no doubt that some days and nights will be filled with emotional hurt and it will be during those moments that our “mental strong” will be the motivator that keeps us moving in the right direction of health.  It does not matter what the issue is and how bad life sucks … WORK OUT ANYWAY!


Orange Photography 2014
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Stay Healthy ~ Darla 

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