
How to Eat More and Lose Weight

How to Eat More and Lose Weight

Being muy caliente pays off in a big way. Spicy food makes you break into a sweat because it's speeding up your metabolism. Additionally, a Japanese study found that participants who had a breakfast with red pepper ate less during the day. That's because they contain the appetite suppressant capsacin. 

This benefit isn't just limited to red peppers. Any pepper will suppress your appetite. Hot peppers also give you a metabolic boost. The more you burn, the more you burn. Get it? So the next time you see a pepper symbol on a menu, order up.


Nuts are a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, they are notoriously high in calories. On the other hand, they provide a powerful metabolic boost. Researchers at Purdue University found that people who snacked on nuts were thinner than those who didn't. When they did a study, they found something else surprising. Participants who added 500 nut calories to their diet snacked less. 


These diet benefits make nuts more than worth the calories. If you're watching your calories, try almonds. They have just 500 calories per cup.

3 .Olive Oil
Want to lose weight? Put olive oil on almost everything. It's full of healthy monosaturated fat and it helps you burn calories. An Australian study found that women who ate just half an ounce of olive oil with breakfast enjoyed a metabolic boost. For the best results, eat the olive oil raw. Cooking the oil breaks down it's beneficial properties -- and it's flavor. 

There are lots of great ways to eat it raw. Mix it with balsamic vinegar for a salad dressing or a delicious bread dip. Or, toss it in some pasta or drizzle it on a sandwich in place of mayo.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But a pear a day keeps the fat away. Pears are chock full of belly-filling fiber that keeps you from snacking throughout the day. 

There are lots of ways to eat pears. Add them to your oatmeal at breakfast. Pear and brie sandwiches are great for taking to work. Add some to your salad before dinner to keep you from overeating at night.

However you can get them, they'll do you good. A recent Brazilian study found that overweight women who ate three small pears a day lost more weight than women who skipped out on the fruit.


Sometimes losing weight is about eating more. Eat a large salad before your meal and you'll eat less. A study at Penn State University found that participants who ate a large salad before each meal ate 12 percent less pasta. And fettuccine alfredo is pretty hard to resist. 

But not just any salad will do the trick. The key is to keep it low calorie. That means no meat, eggs, cheese or creamy dressing.
Eat a plants-only salad with low calorie dressing.


We've all heard of beans. But not many of us have heard of cholecystokinin. That's an appetite-suppressing hormone that beans encourage your body to produce. 

A recent study at the University of California, Davis found that participants who ate beans had more of this appetite-suppressing hormone. This discovery is so new that scientists aren't sure how it works. The hormone may keep food in your stomach longer to stave off hunger pains. It may also keep your blood sugar level to avoid hunger spikes.

The only thing that science knows for sure is that beans help you lose weight. Work them into breakfast or lunch to enjoy the hunger suppression all day long.

7.Drink Water

We've all heard that we should drink 8 glasses of water a day. But did you know that H20 helps you lose weight while it keeps you happy? Your metabolism only works at top speed when it's well-hydrated. When you haven't had enough to drink, your metabolism slows down at a snails pace and holds on to what you put into your body. 

Most of us know that water flushes the toxins out of our bodies. But did you know that water flushes fat out too? When you're dieting or exercising, water helps you drop those pounds and see quicker results on the scale. Those combined properties make water the single best addition you can make to your diet.


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