
7 "worst" Breakfast for Athletes

SEVEN "worst" Breakfast for Athletes

You probably know that eating a nutritious breakfast is extremely important.
But you probably also realized that some dishes may set the tone for how you feel the rest of the day. It is important not only that, but also the fact that a healthy breakfast, eaten every morning, can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. In this article you will read about what food it is desirable to exclude from your diet.

1.Bacon, ham and sausages

Meat uses nitrates, which are associated with the occurrence of colorectal cancer. In fact, the Institute for Research on Cancer has published a list of the top ten things you can do to reduce your risk of developing cancer. Avoidance of nitrates is number one in the list. What does this mean for the morning meat eaters? Now you have a great opportunity to find another breakfast option.

2.Sugary cereals
How can you tell the difference between "bad" sweet breakfast cereals and "good" for your health breakfast cereal? Some breakfast cereals are full of carbohydrates and sugar. When you eat them, blood sugar rises rapidly, then falls. Since you probably do not want your energy level fluctuated at the beginning of the day, it is best to avoid these flakes. Instead, choose cereals that are high in fiber and protein. You are considering options for making a variety of flavors to mush? Add the ground flaxseed or walnuts to produce large amounts of protein and fiber.

3.Pancakes with corn syrup

While there are natural ways to make sweeter food (fruit, honey, berries), there are also industrial syrups that is not full of the most useful sugars (sweet syrup of fructose and other sugars). Sweetener which is derived from corn, is also present in most processed and packaged food products. High levels of fructose, corn syrup, which has, can lead to an increase in abdominal obesity and visceral fat storing stored between organs. This fat, which leads to cancer. Recent studies have also linked corn syrup with diabetes.

4.Toast, donuts and pastries

It's not just about the cakes made from refined white flour, but also about other cakes with sugar. Sugar is the worst way to saturate your morning because it leads to a rapid increase in blood glucose levels. This means that you will feel hungry sooner and increase your chances of having consistently high blood sugar, obesity and diabetes. If all of these health risks are not enough to get you to do away with pastries, there is another argument that many scientists believe that sugar and cancer related.

5.Hot sandwiches

We are talking about the finished sandwiches that you can buy in the store and reheat at home. There are healthy options such sandwiches, but many of them are full of preservatives and salt. In this case you should make your own sandwich in the microwave from the beaten eggs and whole grain toast.

6.Light yogurt

They can have only a hundred calories, and flavor of pudding or cheesecake, but they usually comprise a plurality of artificial sweeteners and chemicals. Go to the low-fat yogurt instead of the so-called "light" yogurt.


They top the list of the most high-calorie breakfast. What is the reason? They tend to be very heavy and high-calorie, as to cook them need to have white flour, butter or oil and a lot of sugar. Thus, a small piece of cake contains a lot of calories (heavy dough a lot of weight and has great nutritional value). If you have no other choice, do not use more than two ounces for breakfast (two ounces visually match the size of a hen's egg).

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7 "worst" Breakfast for Athletes
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