
12 YOGA poses to reduce Belly Fat

1.Pranamasan (Prayer Pose)
Stand facing the sun in an erect posture, with palms joined together near the chest like doing a namaskar. Keep your feet together and breathe normally.

2.Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arm Pose)
Breathe in deeply and raise the hands upward, bend your body backward in an arched position with the face pointing towards the sky.

3.Pada Hastasana (Hand To Foot Pose)
Exhale and bring the body from the arched position to bend down forward, till your head reaches your knee. Bring your hands to the floor and keep them flat on either side of the feet.

4.Ashwa-Sanchalan Asana (Equestrian Pose)
Now inhale and stretch your left leg backwards and balance the leg on toes. The heels will be raised upwards and your left knee will be touching the floor. Bend the right leg and should touch your chest. Lift your head towards the sky and keep your arms on either side of the right leg with palms facing the floor.
5.Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)
Exhale and with the palms pushing the floor stretch your right leg back words to make it parallel with the left leg. Your toes and hands will be touching the ground and your hip should be raised. Keep your head bent downwards.

6.Ashtanga Namaskar (Salute With Eight Parts)
Inhale and lower your hips from the earlier position. Now rest your chin and chest on the floor and raise your hip a little bit. Now the eight parts of the body will be touching the floor. They are: chest, chin, two hands, two knees and feet

7.Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Exhale and lift the chest from the ground and arch back by keeping your arms bent at the elbow. Bent the head in backward position and face the sky.

Exhale and repeat the movement in step 5.

9.Ashwa Sanchaln- Asana
Inhale and repeat the step by keeping the right leg backwards

10.Pada Hastasana
Exhale and repeat the step 3

11.Hasta Uttanansana
Inhale and perform the movement in step 2

Keep the feet together and bring back the hands in namaskar position breathing normally.
The steps are now repeated using the other leg in steps 4 to 9. So, to complete one round of Suryanamaskar you need to do 24 yoga steps. It is ideal to perform 12 rounds to get best results. However, you need to start with 5-5 rounds and gradually increase the round over time. Sip water in between the repetitions if needed and relax for about 15 seconds between each round.

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12 YOGA poses to reduce Belly Fat
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