
My Genetics, Muscle and Eating LOTS of Carbs

To this day I dislike the "skinny" word and believe me, I have had my share of teasing until I discovered how to build curves with resistance training.  I have my Dad's genetics and I am thankful, but it has been a challenge to put on muscle.  I am also constantly hungry and burn up energy like crazy so if I do not eat lots of carbs, I would not feel good and in fact, light headed.  My metabolism seems to work faster than I can fuel it and it can be frustrating.  Some say they can just look at food and gain 5lbs whereas if I look at food, my metabolism says let's burn it up.  I will not workout if I feel hungry and prefer to down a healthy meal before hitting the weights.

I just so happen to be one of those people on the other side of the spectrum that works hard to put weight on and fattening up with crap to be "skinny fat" is not what I am looking for. My goal is to pack on lean muscle mass and that is done eating quality healthy carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats. I have been the brunt of online attacks for looking too skinny, too thin, manly and even have had anorexic tossed my way.  That has been overshadowed by my followers who enjoy seeing a woman with muscle on her build and knowledge that anorexics are unable to sustain lean mass because their body is wasting away using it for energy.  This blog is not about any "hate" thing because that goes along with being an Internet personality and putting myself out there to help people.  My skin is thick and my knowledge is confident and that is what matters.  Also, this personal share is to dive into how my body functions and what I do to maintain my muscle.

Genetics do play a small role in our physical appearance, but we absolutely have the power to change things by what we eat and how we challenge our bodies.  I work hard and eat (a lot) to support that.  I don't believe in diets nor do I teach that in my personal training practice.  Just because some genetics may predispose obesity doesn't mean that we are to accept it and not even try to be a healthy person.  The same goes for lean genetics like mine.  We are all in this boat together with differing body types and how they function.  Regardless of our body makeup, it is important to put up a fight for what we want and not give up.

I have recently published two outstanding articles on the network "Eating for Muscle" and  "Diet Mistakes Women Make Trying to Gain Muscle" helpful for lean mass gain and also fat loss.  Check those out!

Are You Eating for Muscle?
Read the Article!

Diet Mistakes Trying to Gain Muscle
Read the Article!

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My Genetics, Muscle and Eating LOTS of Carbs
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