
Lose Fat While You Sleep? How does the "Bedtime Belly Buster" Work?

Can you really lose fat while you sleep?

I recently came across a concept addressing this idea that caught my attention...

As a fitness and nutrition enthusiast, I am always fascinated by anything that can help people to be healthy, but when I hear a term such as the 'Bedtime Belly Buster', I can't help but want to explore and even test it out myself!

What is the Bedtime Belly Buster and How does it work?

The Bedtime Belly Buster, is a method of consuming protein and other nutrients before going to sleep to allows the metabolism to continue to burn fat and even help you sleep, while waking up with an even trimmer mid-section.

Really?  Ok, how does this work, exactly??

According to, The Science of the Bed Time Belly Buster

"Based on the complex interactions of the nutrients in the BBB—dietary whey protein and muscle, dietary calcium and fat, and both nutrients with the serotonin- and melatonin-mediated sleep-wake cycle—there is actually excellent evidence to support the combination as a real belly-blaster.
  • The quality of protein is key. According to studies, whey protein not only boosts metabolism (for extra fat burning during sleep and upon awakening) and satiety (feeling full longer), but also improves postexercise overnight recovery and overall sleep (1, 2). One way it might improve sleep is because it provides a good dose of tryptophan, which increases the amino acid’s access to the brain for creating serotonin (3). Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which converts to melatonin to regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle.
  • There is mounting evidence that the quality and amount of sleep one gets can predict weight loss. The reason being that lost or mistimed sleep can wreak havoc on the body’s “central clock,” or central circadian rhythm, which can affect everything from metabolism to appetite regulation. Sleep Support and Renewal provides melatonin, production of which declines with age, as a safe way to help restore healthy sleep. Supplementing with melatonin and following advice such as getting regular exercise earlier in the day and turning off anything with a screen (e.g. computer) early in the evening can help ensure a better night’s rest."  (Read the rest of the article here)
So what is the exact Bedtime Belly Buster Recipe and does it really work?
There are actually a few versions of the Bedtime Belly Buster that people like to use but the core formula usually includes:
Popular additions can include:
30 to 60 minutes before bed is the ideal time to prepare your BBB. Keep in mind it’s not recommended on a Cleanse Day, but can be the perfect Shake Day “nightcap.”
Step 1: With an IsaBlender® vessel, combine 4 or 5 oz. of water, the core components, and any of the popular additions. Because the mix foams so rapidly, shake the vessel vigorously before blending.
Step 2: Blend all of the ingredients for 30 to 60 seconds.
Step 3: If desired, add a few ice cubes or crushed ice cubes and re-blend. Then enjoy this nutrient- and protein-dense bedtime treat.
The bottom line of the Bedtime Belly Buster is that there are a variety of different ways to reach your goals. But by supplementing your nighttime regimen with Sleep Support & Renewal spray and the high-quality undenatured whey protein in IsaPro, your body and waistline can transform. (Go here to read about the difference between denatured vs UNdenatured Whey protein and why it matters!)
So can the Bedtime Belly Buster help you improve your weight loss and fitness goals?
I've tried it and it's hard to say for sure how much the Bedtime Belly Buster contributed but I definitely have been waking up with a more toned middle and noticing progress in my muscle tone and definition which is fun and exciting!
For others who've been using the Bedtime Belly Buster as long as following the 30 day Nutritional Cleansing and Fat Burning System, they have been extremely excited about their results.
But of course, it all depends on YOU!  Your level of motivation, dedication, how much effort you put in or not and how well you follow the plan!
51 years young!  Results in 45 days with Nutritional Cleansing 
If you combine it with a healthy lifestyle that includes daily exercise, smart food choices (eat CLEAN) and just being more mindful, the Bedtime Belly Buster can be a healthy way to help support your efforts in staying Energetic, Fit and Healthy!

Next, get started on your 30 day Nutritional Cleansing and Fat Burning System, combine it with the Bedtime Belly Buster at night, daily exercise, staying hydrated, eating Clean and getting enough sleep and you should start seeing improved progress and results!

For more motivation, consider the 16 week IsaBody Challenge- I love that its Free to join and just for completing it, each participant receives $200 at the end towards more free product to help you continue with your success in your weight loss and fitness goals!
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Lose Fat While You Sleep? How does the "Bedtime Belly Buster" Work?
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