
Age is Never the Deal...It's What I am Doing Through the Ages

Age is just a number and I wear 51 proudly. Actually, I do not even think about it unless someone makes a comment.  Inside I feel youthful, energized and can still do the splits.  I recognize my limitations and focus on what I can do to the best of my ability.  Each day is a new chance to make better choices physically, nutritionally, and mentally.  I give time to reflection and am thankful for the many blessings God has given me.  I have been through a tough journey in life and today I am still smiling, extremely happy, and going strong with my fitness.

It really comes down to a state of mind and I refuse to get all "hum-drum" about getting older and instead focus on what I can do to improve my life through the aging process.  Age is never the deal but it is what I am doing through the ages that counts.  I can sit around like a bump on a log, depressed, and seeing my life as half over or embrace that my life is more than half full.  I choose the latter and enjoy the challenge of becoming stronger physically and mentally.

Sometimes aging holds a stigma of "grandma/pa" wearing frumpy clothes with huggable large hips and hair always in a bun. I am not describing this to be offensive and I have to laugh because I am a "Nana" always wearing my hair up because I am either sweating my literal ass off in the gym or teaching clients.  When I am not on the job, I enjoy wearing trendy clothes, letting down my long hair, and adding a bit of makeup.  I do believe in less is more in the makeup application department.  In fact, I do not use foundation at all and prefer a tinted moisturizer with a sunscreen to protect my skin.  I am all about "dump-the-frump" and will never fall into wearing the "Mom's jeans" category.  I am who I am and part of being a fit over 50 woman is being able to wear what I want.

Older, wiser and definitely better is what comes with aging.  It is an honor and privilege to live each day and I refuse to let the gift of life down by not giving the best of me in return.  I believe in a quality life and in quality health.  Eating healthy and exercise are a natural part of who I am and I would feel absolutely out of sorts without it.  I steer clear of drama and try to keep stress to a minimum.  Life is too short to entertain ugly mental stuff that does not nourish my soul in a positive way.

Getting Fit Over 50 IS POSSIBLE!
I will always be a strong motivator for all people and especially those over 50 who think getting fit is not possible.  I am here to say being your best healthy and fit self IS POSSIBLE.  Life hands us all bowls of cherries and it will be how we respond to those cirumstances that will create a stronger, and healthier person.  It is not the time to give up, eat like crap and not exercise because there is some sort of belief that it will solve something.  The result of that behavior is an unhealthy and very unhappy person winding up in the "frump" zone.  Life is short and precious and not taking care of yourself is really wadding up your gift and throwing it on the floor.  It is time to stop wasting time and fight for your fitness regardless of your age or circumstance.  Remember, age is never a deal so stop focusing on the number as if it defines you and start putting in the effort of adopting a healthy lifestyle.  Now, that is what counts!

Enjoy my latest article "Not Losing Fat? These Not So Obvious Reasons Could Be the Culprit" on the network.  I would love to read your feedback by posting a comment below and if you feel comfortable sharing areas in your life the article may have touched on.  We are all works in progress!
Not Losing Fat? Read the Article

Stay Healthy!
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Age is Never the Deal...It's What I am Doing Through the Ages
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