
Taking Control of Right Now

Right now is what I have to work with.  I have learned from past mistakes and hurts,  overcome injuries through hard work, and this has taught me to make the most of my "nows".  It has also shown me how to celebrate every moment in this life.

The road has been tough and sometimes still can be, but each day is about taking control of right now and becoming my best me.  Procrastination is a waste of life, body and soul and really a slap in our own faces when we don't take care of business.  Right now we have a choice to eat healthy, exercise and stop complaining about all the things wrong in our lives.  So many are caught up in all the negative stuff and can't see the forest through the trees. Instead of celebrating a pound lost, the happy event quickly becomes downgraded to "just a pound" and this has just ruined my day.

We are the products of our daily choices.  It is important to take control of "right now" and not allow another day to pass without making some great changes. Whether you are struggling with poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, stress, or a bad attitude there is no time like the present to take positive action.   Our lives become so habitual that change feels alien and impossible, but I say it is POSSIBLE.

Get out a piece of paper and journal changes you would like to see happen in your life.  Do you want to look better, feel better, and improve the quality of your life?  Create a plan to make that happen and that may mean going to a qualified counselor, personal trainer, or registered dietitian. Whatever needs to happen, only you can make it so.  Dependence on others to somehow create this magic transformation for you is a fairytale.  We are all responsible for our physical, spiritual and emotional health and any slacking manifests itself as illness, unhappiness and low self-esteem.

Time to take control of RIGHT NOW and Stay Healthy!

Read my latest article on the network titled "Five Food Strategies You Can Do Right Now to Reach Your Fitness Goals" for some great ideas.

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I believe in Right Now

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Taking Control of Right Now
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