
Eat Like a Fitness Expert to Achieve YOUR Best Body

I recently posted this motivation on my Stay Healthy Instagram and Facebook:

My Goal is to be my BEST ME, Fit Over 50
" I do take the time to read your feedback and comments left on motivation that I post and excited that you are striving to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Showing images of those who are dedicated to fitness to include myself are to encourage and inspire. I have also read feedback of a negative vain and I want to address that. I am going to get very personal with you and you can read more about me in my Blog if you choose. I am over 50, a fitness professional and freelance writer that works extremely long hours. My day does not end when I step out of my studio. I look the way I do because of the lifestyle I walk daily. I do not spend hours in the gym and in fact limit my workouts to one hour 5 days a week. I indulge on treats on occasion and eat incredible tasting healthy food. I am a woman of God and my faith helps me with inner strength and getting through each day. I am passionate about helping people get healthy and would love to hug everyone making this choice. I believe life is a gift and I am not here to be anyone else or look like anyone else. I am also not here to shame others for not looking like a fitness model. My goal is always to be my best me each day and in that I may fail but pick up and keep trying. My image is to show that it is not too late, no circumstance too hard, and even injury so severe to not be able to do something. You are working on being your best you and to use articles and images as inspiration or motivation. Getting angry and discouraged because you are not personally making the choices to change your body does nothing but fuel resentment and may even cause you to walk away from trying. I pray that your thoughts and feelings would be changed for the positive and your focus to become a better you starts with today. Fitness is a journey and we are all works in progress reaching for our best and never perfection. Embrace the now, love who you are now and start working on better tomorrow's. But today is what we have and narrowing that down more, this moment is the concern. What you are thinking, doing and how you are acting right it creating a better, healthier you? Have a blessed Sunday and Stay Healthy!"

The responses to this post were incredible, touching, inspiring and some definitely put a knot in my throat. I am a woman of my word and answering the call to several requests of what I eat on a weekly basis and my workout routine. I will be begin with nutrition because I have found this to be the biggest struggle for people throughout my years of teaching health and fitness. 

I like to teach nutrition simply and focus on health.  There is nothing secret or costly about how to eat to obtain a fit body and too much complication has been placed on this topic.  It really is frustrating that so many suffer with food fears due to untruths floating around the media, in commercials and even TV shows. Getting back to the basics, taking a deep breathe, and releasing the stress surrounding food is the first item of business.  Once food is looked upon as our friend and not the enemy and cause of making us fat, can we embrace all the good things that food does for our body.

I am glad that I motivate and inspire you, but please understand that in this share, you are learning how to eat for your best body.  We are all works in progress, and I am far from perfect, but what I do is apply the best principles of healthy nutrition and fitness each day. That does not mean I am free from indulgence once in awhile.  If any fitness professional tells you indulgence never occurs that is a bold face lie and I will answer to that statement.  I have been in the fitness industry over 30 years and have had my share of burgers, fries, pizza and brownies.  I live a life of moderation and use a 90/10 percent eating strategy and sometimes 80/20 depending on the situation.  Eating healthy is also about balance and allowing for the occasional treat meal.

Moving on to what I eat typically during my work week.  I am a walk the talk trainer and adhere to what I teach my clients.  Results come when consistent healthy food intake and exercise are happening.  I eat a wide variety of healthy food from good carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats and lots of water.  I can be a creature of habit and find myself eating the same meals everyday, except for dinner which is typically changed each night.  I believe in cooking at home being in control of what I put in my face and body.  I eat simply, never count calories, and if I am hungry I have gone too long without eating.  I space my meals every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and that works for me.  I use my palm as a guide for portion size and keep measuring cups handy for wet ingredients.

My typical daily nutritional intake looks like this:

Meal 1: Ozery Bakery Morning round with Coffee 

Meal 1: Option 2, Powered Up Oats with Coffee

1/2 cup steel cut oats
1/4 sliced banana
handful blueberries
handful walnuts

Meal 2: Open face peppered turkey and hummus

I enjoy this with a green smoothie
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
large handful of power greens
(chard, kale, spinach), blend in water

Alpine Valley Organic Bread toasted
smear with organic hummus
top with peppered turkey

Meal 3: Sliced fruit with flax meal and yogurt

1 large nectarine or fruit of choice
I also like to use 1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup ground flax meal
1/2 cup Fage plain Greek yogurt
I like to top with a handful of raw unsalted mixed nuts
Stir and eat

Meal 3: Option 2, boiled eggs with sweet potatoes

1 full organic egg, 1 egg white mixed with mustard, sprinkle with paprika if desired
1/2 large sweet potato, cooked and cut in wedges

I like to dip my sweet potato in organic ketchup ... call me weird, but I have always been a ketchup kinda girl 

Meal 4: Grilled salmon and roasted veggies

Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and red bell peppers drizzled in olive oil, and tossed with basil pesto and minced garlic. Roast in open pan at 450 for 30 to 35 minutes

season and grill salmon outdoors for 25 minutes

Other Meal 4 Options I enjoy:
Roasted Veggies and Egg

Healthy Grilled Pizza

Brussels and Baked Stuffed Pork

I enjoy a small snack before bed and that really varies between my mood.  I enjoy hummus or peanut butter on toast or if I have baked a healthy treat, I will have that.

For more meal ideas from my kitchen, visit my recipe page and also see my Sports Nutrition site on the network.  I hope this information is helpful and provides a great foundation to simple and healthy meal ideas.

Enjoy my latest article on the About network ,"Natural Body Building: Eating for Goals" and guest written by Frank Gigante, Natural Competitive Bodybuilder and Lifestyle Coach.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog and I look forward to your comments. Subscribe below to never miss a free update!

Darla Leal, Fit Over 50!
Stay Healthy!

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Eat Like a Fitness Expert to Achieve YOUR Best Body
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