

What I mean by supplements are those products that promise to create a fit and healthy body by popping or drinking whatever is in the bottle.  I guess that is where I do not believe in magic either.  I am a hard nut to crack when it comes to endorsing or promoting "enhancement" type supplements or drinks.  Those that promise to burn fat faster, create bulging muscles, and guarantee the ability to leap over buildings in a single bound.  In addition, they can come with harmful side effects I personally am not willing to chance. The next time you pick up a bottle of magic, take a close look at the label that will typically read "results obtained when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise program."  BAM ... what is the point of wasting money?  Once a healthy diet and exercise program are implemented results will follow and that is without taking whatever is in that bottle.  Also, all supplements are not regulated and many not clinically studied, and fall under the category of food and not medicine.  

Of course any supplementation is a personal choice, and I am not a downer on all
things that may assist with improved health and wellness, and in some instances may be necessary for some people.  I do indulge in the occasional protein shake, take multi-vitamins fairly regularly, and my body seems to respond well to glucosamine for reduced pain in my joints.  This is more a maintenance body insurance program for me and I am not looking to enhance the way I look by taking anything that I have listed.  I do not believe drinking a protein shake is going to define my muscles but do benefit from a boost of vitamin C if I feel the symptoms of a cold.  

The primary source of my nutrients come from the healthy food I eat daily and not from dietary supplements. Because I eat a wide variety of food coming from lean proteins, good carbohydrates, and healthy fats  I feel very confident that all of my nutrient daily allowances are being met.  I fuel my workouts with healthy carbs, recover my body with lean proteins, and protect my cellular function with healthy fats.  

I lift weights as part of my exercise program, but do not feel I need an over abundance of protein to make my muscles larger and leaner.  I do not sit around eating loads of chicken breast and drinking several protein shakes per day.  That is just crazy and would do nothing but tax my organs and create a constipation issue.  The demands I place on my body through exercise do require more calories of ALL of the food groups and I just focus on eating healthy several times per day to satisfy those needs.  There is nothing magic about that and in fact maintaining a healthy body is pretty simple and will only require eating right and exercise.  

Read my article  "Are Supplements Really Necessary"
 for even more valuable information on the subject.

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Stay Healthy! Darla 

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