
The 8 foods for weight loss

8 foods for weight loss


It's summer! Everyone dreams of a perfect body, but the problem is that we love to eat!
Not to deprive yourself, you just have to take good nutrition, which can even help you lose weight!
Here is a list of some foods that will help you lose weight, it's not magic, they just limit your caloric intake, increase your metabolism and more curb your cravings.

1- Strawberries


When you crave something sweet, choose strawberries. They are rich in nutrients and low in calories, including 100 grams of strawberries has only 33 calories!

This red fruit can satisfy your sweet tooth without feeling guilty.

2 Apple


A 140g apple contains only 90 calories! In addition it is the perfect snack: tasty, satiating and easy to carry ...

If you are very hungry, accompany the yogurt or a glass of milk, a source of protein what!

3- Beet


If the beet is one of the vegetables with the highest sugar content, it is nonetheless very low in calories: about 50 per cup. Combined with other vegetables or when the food is part of your desserts, beets can be considered as a slimming food.

4- Mushrooms


 Regular consumption of raw mushrooms would lose weight after only two weeks since they are low in calories! Mushrooms are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, selenium, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, vitamin B6 and zinc. Moreover, the plan to raw mushrooms is becoming increasingly popular for weight loss.

5- Lettuce


People watching their weight know the effectiveness of lettuce: it is low in calories and gives a feeling of satiety because it contains lots of fiber. It also adds a lot of volume on your plate without drive up the number calories.

6. Broccoli


Broccoli is rich in fiber and nutrients, which are both essential to your health and well-being. Broccoli is also low in calories and therefore has the power to fill you up longer.

Do not hesitate to consume more, whether in soups, salads or as an accompaniment to meat.

7. Corn


An average ear of corn contains only 83 calories. Besides being rich in potassium and thiamine, it contains a lot of fiber and protein, which helps fill the appetite.

8- Pumpkin


Far from its use Halloween Pumpkin is one of the most effective slimming foods. Low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, pumpkin contains a lot of beta-carotene.

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