

We do not need anyone to tell us that we are unhealthy or that we need to fix our fitness, right?  If you are unhappy with yourself, feeling like crap, have been told by the doctor to change your lifestyle, or have had your friends and family kindly give you hints, then guess what, you already know that you need to fix your fitness. Fitness goes beyond the physical and includes emotional and spiritual well-being as well.  Don’t think we can walk around in physically pretty bodies and be all messed up emotionally, stressed out, overwhelmed and feeling like life is too big to handle.  Fixing our fitness requires looking at our complete picture and making the choice to clean up our act. 

It is not rocket science and requires nothing magic to fix our fitness, just our will, determination and follow-through to become healthy.  The media would like us to believe that we need a bunch of expensive things, products, pills, and potions to obtain the body that we are looking for, but the truth of the matter is that we all possess the ability to create our fitness.  The first step is admitting the areas we are unhealthy and putting forth a plan of action to get the process of adopting a fit lifestyle started.  If being overweight and struggling with painful joints, lack of energy, low self-esteem, and frequent illness is the issue, a great start would be to look at daily nutritional intake and exercise. If emotional problems such as anger, high stress on the daily, inability to relax, and tension that sends your shoulders to the ears is a constant, a great start would be to look into what is causing these feelings through possibly a counselor or clergy member. 

The important thing is to get on board with fixing your fitness.  Procrastinating on this very important subject does nothing but waste what could be a healthier happier life.  Being in denial about being unhealthy is also a thief of health and fitness.  Changing our mental game and looking at ourselves with rose colored glasses off to expose all the unhealthy parts is what it will take to implement the changes needed to fix our fitness.  It is a brave step in the right direction and today is always the right day to get to work.  

Darla Leal, Fit at 50
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