

I stopped counting calories years ago, and simply made my focus on eating healthy quality “real” food each day.  I like that motivational poster that says “no one has ever gotten fat eating too much kale” and this is really true and can be applied to most of the healthy food choices out there.  I do not feel the need to keep track of ingredients I know are providing health benefits and awesome nutrients that keep my body looking and feeling the way it does.  I keep my refrigerator, pantry and counters stocked with plenty of organic vegetables, greens, fruits, yogurts, raw nuts, lean meats, and my list goes on and believe me, I am stuffing my face every three hours or less with a nutrient dense fiber rich food.

Maintaining a healthy body is about living a quality life and that means being concerned about the quality of food that I eat.  There is a big difference in consuming a McDonald’s Big Mac and fries compared to an organic chicken breast with a sweet potato and mixed greens.   The latter will be more nutrient dense, health beneficial and less calories, but to the eye will appear like more food.  This is a great example of why I do not bother with counting calories.  As long as I am eating meals like organic chicken and greens, the need and stress behind counting calories is pointless.  I eat for health and listen to the cues of my body that tell me to fuel up.

When it comes to buying my groceries, I hit the perimeter of the store and steer clear of the aisles full of processed inflammation causing crap.  Take into consideration your local grocery and how it is laid out, generally produce to the right or left, dairy to the back and following along to the meat counter on the opposite side.  I stick to my list in hand and the only extras that I dash into the forbidden center would be for dark chocolate, red wine, or something organic like packaged Quinoa.  I really enjoy the local farmer’s markets and stake those out for my produce as much as possible, and I adore the organics at Costco.  I believe in keeping my healthy food intake simple as well.  The food gets too much credit for being complicated when trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle and that is such an unfair assumption. 

Take an organic apple for example, and appreciate the nutrient value and simplicity of this “fast food”.  Now add natural organic peanut butter to that apple and a power fuel meal has been created.  I do not find that difficult and I apply this type of philosophy to all my healthy foods.  I am sure we all know how to prepare and cook an organic chicken breast and other than on the grill, one of my favorite methods is in the crock pot with some fabulous spices or salsa.  I also enjoy sweet potatoes and will prepare those with an olive oil rub, and finish off this meal with a spinach salad topped with walnuts, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  I am talking about quality food to create a quality healthy body.  Think about our ancestors, what they ate, and how it was created.  It was the simplicity of organic lean meat, dairy and produce from the land eaten throughout a busy physical day and the thought of maintaining a healthy body was not even a thought.  It was lived every day and that is what I think about when I am living my life as a healthy person and eating the way that I do. What I do count is quality when it comes to my calories and that works for me. 

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