

The last ten pounds can be a struggle, especially when everything comes to a screeching halt.  The scale is no longer budging, frustration is happening and the stress of it all is putting the adrenal glands on overdrive.  A cortisol rush is the last thing our bodies need when we are trying to lose that last ten pounds as studies have shown that it hampers our ability to lose weight.  The important thing to understand is that plateaus are normal in our journey of health and weight loss.  Also, adjustments with our food intake and exercise program will need to be reviewed several times along the way. 

Keep up the positive and progressing with your program regardless of what the scale says.  Many factors are at play when the body begins to slow down and usually a simple review and change up of the program gets things moving again. Things to consider: are you eating enough? The body is a wonderful machine and knows exactly what to do with the food we consume and knows when it is not getting enough fuel.  If we withhold fuel from our body, it will refuse to give up any reserves.  Our body sees that as energy and we need energy to burn energy.  Are you being true to your program?  Sometimes we fall back into old patterns and re-introduce foods that are not on the healthy menu for weight loss and many can even be in denial about that.  Our body will remain in a maintenance or weight gain pattern if we are not honest with our healthy food intake.  Are you exercising less? With a reduction of exercise there will be a reduction in the amount of weight that is lost per week.  Simple math spells out with the expenditure of energy results in the reduction of weight.  Take some time to review your priorities and determine if exercise has taken a backseat.  Are you burned out?  This can happen to all of us and it is important to add plenty of variety to our workout programs and healthy foods to keep the interest high.

The last ten pounds can be a challenge, but they can also be another tool of learning along our weight loss journey.  We can choose to become frustrated and throw in the towel, or open up our minds to do what it will take to get back on track with the program.  It is also important to take one day and one pound at a time and celebrate everything done to create a healthy body.  The last ten pounds will respond to what you are willing to do to be rid of it, or keep it.  It still comes down to choices and changes, and it is always a good thing to get a refresh on the mental battery to provide the motivation we need to keep going.  

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user of THE Herbal Face Food and proud to show my images without photo shop or airbrushing. I am 50 years young and celebrate Fit at 50!

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