

My Daughter ~ My Friend
My daughter sent me a text to let me know she was having a “Friendsgiving” tonight and the more I looked at the words on my phone, the more I thought about the meaning of the words. My mind started reeling with ideas of how I would write about this and a quick call to my girl to get her insight was in order.  Well, my daughter and her friends have been meeting every Tuesday for girls dinner night, where they take turns preparing the meals, and enjoy a special sharing of their lives…talking, laughing, comparing stories, and eating the meal prepared with their own hands…no orders in…these gals are serious about their food, their lives, and their friendship. Sounds somewhat like “Sex in the City” gone REAL and how FABULOUS is that!

I think about that and am proud of the special bonds that my daughter has with these very special ladies…I have had the privilege to meet a few of them.  They celebrate their year anniversary of “Girls Dinner” night for Friendsgiving this year…HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LADIES!

My Daughter and Her Fabulous Friends

This struck me deeper than the words Thanksgiving this year, as spending time with those we love can and often times does include people that are not related by blood, but a deeper bond…a chosen bond.  A true friend is a rare gem and gift from God and to have more than one is even rarer.  Think about the sharing of food made with your own hands, laughter around a table, sharing stories of life and really listening and caring about the lives and feelings of others around that table…WOW…now that is a THANKSGIVING!

I am saddened by the many who struggle through the holiday filled with hurt, pain and overwhelmed with stress at the very thought of going through the motions with people, some family, some not…but honestly, none of us…yes, me included…are not immune to hurt from time to time, and during the holiday it can feel larger than life itself.  It is in those times, where a “Friendsgiving” would feel so good to be a part, to be able to share openly, honestly, and receive that in return, to relish in the aromas of food made with tender, loving hands, warm laughter and REAL moments of caring surrounding each and every person.  I wish this moment for every struggling person out there on this holiday…a very special “Friendsgiving”.

I was reminded of something from my daughter today as she shared her story of “Friendsgiving”… cherish the bonds of special friendship, take the time to stay in touch, to share a meal, a laugh, a cry…LIFE.  As I celebrate the holiday with family and friends this year, I will be thankful for my chosen bonds, those gems in my life that will hold my hand when I need it the most.  

Happy Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving Everyone!!!

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Have a FABULOUS weekend and upcoming week!
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